
Showing posts with the label wool

Wool Dryer Balls

I have been using dryer balls for years now. I have tried my hand at making my own and even used pre made ones. My favorite so far are Vita's Wool dryer Balls from Amazon (because I swear everything I own comes from Amazon, oh the joys of living in a small town.) They are about the size of a soft ball.

How to care for wool, Washing & Lanolizing.

I love wool diaper covers, they are cute and functional. But when I first started to use them I was scared to ruin them. You hear things like hand washing, lanolizing and felting. These words make you want to run for the hills. But after using wool for about a year and a half I learned one important thing. It is not as scary as you think. So I am going to go over how I take care of my wool. Showing some of the products I use and the choices you have in wool care.