#Wen hair care product (bad) review

So I am never really buy anything that I see on tv that I can't get in a store. But when I saw WEN by Chaz Dean it looked like something that could really help my hair. I color my hair red a lot and most of the time it washes out with in a week or two. So when I saw that WEN was offering free shipping and a 60 day money back guarantee, I said ok lets give it a go.

So after I got the product, I tried it and I really like it. I did not strip my hair, it made it soft and non frizze. So I but you are wondering why in my title I said this was going to be a bad review if all I have to say is good things....
Well here goes, I love the product and when I ordered I did not want to get a refill in a month because I was not sure if I would need a refill. So when I got the email saying that I COULD do it, (have them auto charge my card) I decided not to sign up for it. That way if I don't have the money right then or if I am not done with it yet. So I did not sign up for it like the email had said.

So I was a little shocked when $37 some odd dollars that came out due to this. So I called WEN to see what they could do to help me with this problem. I waited to talk to someone for and hour! Which I think is crazy, but then they told me that there was nothing they could do. That I would have to wait till the product was shipped to me and then I could ship it back and THEN I would have to call and get a refund. I told them many times that I did not sign up for this. All they said was that when you buy online you auto sign up for it.

Mind you I don't live in the state that this product is being shipped to. If I had known that this was going to happen then I would have call and canceled it ahead of time. Or at least changed my address with them.

I told them that I never saw anything that said that when I signed up (and trust me I am the kind of person that reads the fine print) and that I got an email saying I could after I bought it, they still did not care. I am just blow away that they can take your money but do nothing to really help you get it back. So she then told me that I could fill out an alpha david to get my money back but it would take 21 days just to get me a letter!!!!! Then another 5-10 days to process, and another 21 day to get the money back to you!!!!!

ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? Buy then they will have tried to charge my card again!!!!!!!

Bottom line is, I love the product but because of the way I was treated I will never buy again. If you are planing on buying from WEN please please please call them and talk to them don't buy on line.

I will never buy anything on line anymore, I will call and order just to make sure stuff like this does not happen again. Oh and we are taking this to the bank to get them to help us out with this.


paulasue said…
I understand..I have had the same problem with other products, like Sheer Cover..they do the same thing..it's so frustrating to get it all straightened out..never again! Paula
Leila said…
How absurd! I have noticed them a lot lately (junk emails), but had not heard anything about them so thank you for sharing (and warning!)

I am a new follower! gotomommy.blogspot.com
Unknown said…
These are great products for hair care. I want to share also for hair growth products that i've used which is Reloxe they are best in hair growth.

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