Softbums review
So as you may now know from the last post there are some really good reasons why you should cloth diaper your child. And with everyone doing it I really wanted to jump on the gain and try to cloth diaper myself. But I was really worried that it was going to be hard, it's not. It was so easy, you just have to change how you do a few things. Thanks to SoftBums I was not only able to get a diaper to review but I had won one on a blog right after they agree to let me review one. So I got to start off with two diapers from them. While two may not be enought to get aiden off disposable diapers it's enought to help me get a good feel for how to cloth diaper.
So as I just said I got two diapers from them. I got the Echo velcros and Omni with snaps, both work great however Aiden is at that age where he like to try and take his diaper off.
So we the use the Echo Nuclear Pumpkin velcro for bed time and put him in a oneis pjs. That way he will not try to pull them off. The diaper its self is really soft and cute. The best part is it really is a one size fits all. There are strings that you can pull to make the part around the leg tighter so there are no leaks.
Then during the day when its warm and he wants to just wear his diaper we put him into his Omni snaps one. This one also has the stings that you can use to pull and make the legs part tighter. As you can see here its nice and tight to his bottom without being to tight. Softbums has got some great diaper, they really are one of my favorite cloth diaper I have ever tried out.
The other thing I love about their diaper is that the inserts also snap to the back of the inside diaper. That way as your baby moves the insert will not move out of place. There is also two different size of inserts one more for the day time and the other is great for night time because its bigger.
Make sure once you get a diaper to wash it a few time before you use it. That way it will absorb more pee. You can even to a hot water soak for about 30 mins. Then when you dry them make sure you DON'T use (same thing for washing) fabric softener. Now I bet your asking what happens when they go poo. Well if they are still little and breastfeed, the poo is more watery and will wash right off in the washing machine. Where as if they are older and eating solids there poo is more of a solid shape and easier to just flush down the toilet.
See not that hard, and if its a nice sunny day you can even just hang the diapers outside once you are done washing them.
Disclosure: The product(s) offered for the review are free of charge. Any opinions are my own and are not influenced by any form of compensation. A special thanks to Softbums
So as I just said I got two diapers from them. I got the Echo velcros and Omni with snaps, both work great however Aiden is at that age where he like to try and take his diaper off.
So we the use the Echo Nuclear Pumpkin velcro for bed time and put him in a oneis pjs. That way he will not try to pull them off. The diaper its self is really soft and cute. The best part is it really is a one size fits all. There are strings that you can pull to make the part around the leg tighter so there are no leaks.
Then during the day when its warm and he wants to just wear his diaper we put him into his Omni snaps one. This one also has the stings that you can use to pull and make the legs part tighter. As you can see here its nice and tight to his bottom without being to tight. Softbums has got some great diaper, they really are one of my favorite cloth diaper I have ever tried out.
The other thing I love about their diaper is that the inserts also snap to the back of the inside diaper. That way as your baby moves the insert will not move out of place. There is also two different size of inserts one more for the day time and the other is great for night time because its bigger.
Make sure once you get a diaper to wash it a few time before you use it. That way it will absorb more pee. You can even to a hot water soak for about 30 mins. Then when you dry them make sure you DON'T use (same thing for washing) fabric softener. Now I bet your asking what happens when they go poo. Well if they are still little and breastfeed, the poo is more watery and will wash right off in the washing machine. Where as if they are older and eating solids there poo is more of a solid shape and easier to just flush down the toilet.
See not that hard, and if its a nice sunny day you can even just hang the diapers outside once you are done washing them.
Disclosure: The product(s) offered for the review are free of charge. Any opinions are my own and are not influenced by any form of compensation. A special thanks to Softbums