TTC "Eat, Love, Get Pregnant" reviews

When I first got pregnant with Aiden I think I read 10 pregnancy books. Not all at once of course, it was over time but I really loved read them. So I was asked to read some books about how to get pregnant in more of a natural way (and healthy) I was really excited. Most of the pregnancy books out there are for once you are pregnant not so much about how to get pregnant. Sure ok we all know HOW you get pregnant but what about if you are having problems, or have been trying for awhile? Each book covers things to do,things to eat, and other think to help boost not only yours but your partners fertility. I will be talking about the other book in another review so keep an eye out for that one too.

Lets start with the book called "Eat, Love, Get Pregnant" by Niels H. Lauersen, M.D., Ph.D and Colette Bouchez. In this book you will cover ever thing from what you should eat to help you get pregnant faster, foods to avoid. Food you should eat more of is things like: grapes, strawberries, raspberries, pomegranates, walnuts and pecans. "Eat, Love, Get Pregnant" covers 6 different fertility nutrient groups. What I love best about the "Eat" part of the book is that, it also breaks down what you should look for in your prenatal vitamins.

Also you need to keep in mind that your life style makes a HUG difference on how fast you might be able to get pregnant. And this is not just for you but also your partner. Did you know that if your partner becomes intoxicated with in 24 hours his sperm count drops by about 50%?!?! Also making sure you are working out (even if just a light walk) will help and make a big difference too.

Then there is the love part. There are some trick of the trade to help you work that out too. Its all about timing, and not being under so much stress. This part also helps you find out when you are ovulating (yet another big factor), and for most people they don't always know when that is. With any luck you should be pregnant! This book is really easy reading and has a ton of great info.


cbreese said…
I have been TTC baby #1 for 6 1/2 years. I know alot of things about TTC & infertility, But I'm still learning. Reading on anything to do with TTC, pregnancy, infertility, etc sometimes amazes me.
Wow! This is really fascinating stuff. I always wanted to do all I could naturally before turning to drugs when we were TTC. This sounds like a fabulous book!
Lena B said…
This would od being an excellent book when I was trying
East9thStreet said…
I am definitely intrigued! We've been TTC for 18 months and I've always been a believer that stress, diet and environment play a huge part in conception. Thanks!
Unknown said…
What a cool book. Sounds very interesting with lots of great info. Thanks for sharing. Hoping to be TTC #2 soon! :)
Anonymous said…
My name is Lena and I'm 34 years old proud mother. I'm writing this because I knew that it can help you... After 2 years trying to get pregnant and thinking that i was infertile I decided to search through internet for a solution, nowadays you can find almost everything here. After a long search i finally found something that got my attention: decided to give it a try and followed the guidelines. And you can't believe how happy i was, after 2 months of doing it, hearing my doctor say that I am Pregnant!I know how frustrating it is trying to conceive and can't achieve it. Take a look at this and I'm sure that It will change your life for the best: I am be happy to having shared my history :)

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