Adult Costume reviews

Hey guys so as you all know I have been out of town and I moved this last week too. So I have a few things I need to catch up on now that I have the internet working again. So lets start with this one about Adults costumes. I hate waiting until Halloween to find a costume because most of the time the ones you like are all sold out! Or if you have even just a costume party it's hard to find a place that sells them (not during Halloween). So Adult Costumes is a great online store that you can go to any time and get some great costumes.
However I have to say I was a little sad when I got my maternity costume. I know that by Halloween I will be pregnant and so I wanted to find a cute maternity costume, because they can be hard to find. But when I got it and tried it on. I really did not fit me at all. Now I am 5'7 and 150lbs so its not like I am out of the norm and if its a one size fits all... well then they need to find a woman who is pregnant and see if it fits her! And of course now they don't even show it on line. This would fit a child better then it would ever fit an adult. I am hopping their other costumes are not the same way but as for their maternity its a big NO for me.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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