Dreyer's Ice Cream

Dreyer's ice cream, a pregnant woman's best friend. I love ice cream and I always try to come up with some reason for me to eat it. "I need something sweet", "I'm pregnant", "I'm hot and need something to cool me off with". You can come up with a million reasons why you should eat ice cream. Drey's is one of my favorite too, most of the time I don't buy it because its a little pricey (or because I'm cheap). But they have always been the best.

I love their cookie dough because the ice cream is creamy and smooth. There is just  the right amount of chocolate chips to cookie dough. Have you ever opened a tub of ice cream and there is like two bites of cookie dough?! What rip off. Dreyer's makes sure with just about every bite you get some cookie dough with it. I also love that the chocolate  chips are smalls so you don't end up with a mouth full of chocolate and nothing else. In this picture here to your left you can see the size of both the cookie dough and the chocolate chip.

Now I got this half gallon about two days ago and the tub is just about half way empty now! Its just that good. Here you can also see that this has little to no added junk. There is no food coloring and the first few ingredient is skim milk, cream, the chocolate chips and cookie dough!

The only thing I wish that Dreyer's did (or every ice cream company) is to make some that are lactose free. Because as much as I love ice cream I can't have a lot of milk. But for ice cream I am willing to feel a little yucky later just to eat it!!!!

Make sure you head over to Dreyer's facebookpage and enter your happy face and they will give $5 to operation smile!

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Dreyer’s / Edy’s. I received a coupon to purchase product samples and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”


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