Back to School: SqueeZurts

My daughter and son both love foods that they can squeeze. They call them "Squeezies". However I can't afford to always buy them. She also loves the tubes of yogurt but those can get expensive and can have ingredients I don't want. I was super excited when I found SqueeZurts.
Squeeze bottle and 3 SqueeZurts tubes

I received the SqueeZurts starter kit which includes 6 tubes, 20 twist ties, 1 squeeze dispenser bottle, and 2 li'l  hands cold sleeves.  The cold sleeves are made from PUL and slide over frozen SqueeZurts keeping hands from freezing.

SqueeZurts is made of PEVA. PEVA is a vinyl composite free from PVC (chlorine), phthalate free, lead free, BPA free and biodegradable. I love that the product doesn't contain any harmful chemicals.

What can you put in your Squeezurts? The sky is the limit. Basically anything you want and it can be frozen if you choose.  So far I have put yogurt in it. Kids ate the yogurt both frozen and not. I have also put in a fruit/veggie puree that I then froze as a Popsicle. I also just froze some O.J. to have a Popsicle treat.
I'm sure we will test this out with applesauce, yogurt, more purees, smoothies, etc.
Jerom enjoying SqueeZurts while using a cold sleeve
Emarose devouring her SqueeZurts yogurt
To fill simply put whatever you desire in the squeeze dispenser tube. Insert the tip of the dispenser into your SqueeZurts tube and squeeze. Fill 2/3 full. Then roll down over twist tie and close twist tie shut. If freezing lay flat in freezer for several hours.

After devouring her yogurt. My daughter threw away the SqueeZurts tube thinking it was just another disposable tube. I told her that these ones were special ones for us to keep. She liked the idea that "Mommy" could make her another treat with it.  So if you get these tubes make sure you teach your children that these are to keep.

I filled all 6 tubes and they lasted 1 day in the house. The only tube that was left til the next day was a half eaten yogurt tube. My kids loved these. I also liked the fact that I could re-close the tube that my son didn't finish. 

To wash you just rinse out with warm/hot water and agitate against itself. Dish soap can be used but be sure to rinse completely. To dry squeeze open and stand tube upside down for 24 hours+.

SqueeZurts get 2 thumbs up from my kids. If they continue to eat them all in 1 day and want more I may have to buy more tubes. 

Be sure to visit Squeezurts and get your own starter kit for only $19.95. Like on Facebook and twitter to stay informed about this company. Don't forget to enter to win as part of the Back to School event.


polly said…
love that you you can put anything in them...great idea!
Alig said…
I love yogurt, especially in a container that doesn't need a spoon. This is a great idea for on the go foods.
Janet W. said…
I love that they don't contain any harmful chemicals!
Anne Marie said…
I love your idea of using applesauce! My children love applesauce and this would be such a fun, new way to present it! Anne Sweden at Zephyr Hill
ann said…
These are so nice for kids. They will usually eat foods frozen before other ways so you can freeze yogurt and they will eat it. A good way of sneaking good foods into them LOL
LauraJJ said…
Oh this is the neatest idea! We love to freeze the gogurts...this would be so much cheaper and Carter just loves things like this with his teething! idea!
landfjacobson @
Laura Jacobson
Sarah said…
I love that you can put in HEALTHY yogurt instead of giving them junk food!

mugsymcg46 at yahoo dot com
Sarah said…
I love that you can put in HEALTHY yogurt instead of giving them junk food!

mugsymcg46 at yahoo dot com
Merry said…
I love that you can put whatever you want in them and control what is going into their growing bodies! This is especially good for those of us who have children with food sensitivities!
LIsa Hackney
Jubilee Reviews said…
Now that is a great idea! I would try it with applesauce or yogurt
Great idea to make your own squeezeable snack - I would use yogurt with extra fruit bits.

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