"The Heart of Christmas" movie review and #giveaway

If you are looking for a movie that is going to move you, make you cry and an all around feel good movie "The Heart of Christmas" is the movie to see. This is a true story about a little boy named Dex and their family struggle with him having cancer. As a mom who has had a child with lots of little health problems I can't tell you how many times I cried. It was a real eye opener for me.

There are two main families, Dex Locke where you learn about their struggles and how they deal with it all and Megan and Walt and how their family is falling apart. The Locke story inspired a 10 hour a day working mom and a dad who works and goes to school to take time and be with their family.

This story has also helped me relies that time is short and family is a big deal. With Christmas coming up this is a great time to remember that we all need to come together and be there for one another. Love your family (even if they drive you crazy sometime) and help others in need.

If you want to cry and feel as moved as I do then you need to enter to win this great DVD. Also if you would like to help donate to the Dax Locke Foundations then head on over and see how you can help.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure:  I received this product from the PR agent free of charge in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own, and yours may differ. I was not asked to give a positive review.


Unknown said…
Hi I love the blog & the design of it.
Unknown said…
Love the blog very much :)
Unknown said…
thanks for the great giveaway!

chantal cooper
charychild said…
I haven't heard of this movie before now. Thanks for the review!
sarah79harding said…
Thank you for the giveaway

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