Fairhaven Fenugreek to help your milk supply

Now that Logan is almost 7 weeks I am worry more about my milk supply. When Logan was born he was 8lb 8oz he is now close to 13lbs!!! He is a big chunky baby and he loves to eat. But because he eats so much I have been having to take Fenugreek to help my milk supply.

FairHaven is the place to go if you are trying to get pregnant, are pregnant, or breastfeeding. Fengreek is a great product of theirs for any mom who feels like they are just not make enough milk or just needs a little boost. You take two capsules one or two times a day. But do not take more then four in one day. The pills are kind of small but really easy to take. And if you have been reading my blog you know that I hate to take big horse pills!

Just keep in mind once you take them you might need to pump or feed your little one within an hour. They work fast, they are safe and great. Best part is you don't need to take them everyday. Once your milk really starts to come in you can stop taking them at any time. This has really helped me a lot, and I know that Logan is now getting enough. He is no longer fighting me to get latched on. He eats until he is full  and then he is happy.

If you are a nursing mama and you need just a little help getting your milk to come in, try Fenugreek.


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