Gearing up for baby sponsor: Happy Family

Now that Logan is starting to eat baby foods (ask your pediatrician if it is before 6 months) we really do want to feed him only the best. Also if you are not sure if your little one is ready don't worry Happy Family has some good guides for you. Just check out their starting solids page. While some days I make is own baby food, there are others where I feel lazy. When I do feed him baby food from a "jar" I want to make sure that he is getting the best that he can have. Which is why I love Happy Family baby food. They are organic, so I know Logan is only getting the best.

I got 4 really fun baby food stuff for him to try. I got Happy Bellies (that is your baby cereal), Happy Puffs (meant more for crawlers, and/or babies who can pick up and eat their own food, and is eating more thicker solid foods), Happy Munchies (also for older babies), and Happy baby pouches with four different stages, great for baby of most ages.

So far we have given Logan some oatmeal baby cereal mixed with a little bit of baby food. While most of the time I try to avoid the baby white rice cereal,which is why I love Happy Family's oatmeal cereal because it is not a white rice cereal. It has added DHA, Choline and pre- and probiotices. Most of the white rice products out there are made with ground up flour and sugar. Happy Family would never add junk like that in theirs. OH I forgot to tell you the Happy Puffs are GLUTEN FREE! We just found out that Ryan (my husband) has a gluten problem, while it is not that bad we have been trying to eat things that are mroe gluten free so its good to know that Happy Family has thought of that too.

As you can see Logan loves his food! I can't wait until he is a little older to eat the happy munchies, unless Aiden eats them first. That is the other great thing, everything they have my 2 year old can eat. Aiden still loves to eat the fruit pouches when we are out. If you are still not sure what or when to start your little ones on food, Happy Family food guide has got you covered here is a picture to kind of give you an idea. But make sure you check out their page too they have a ton of great info on it.

Oh and PS best place to find Happy Family is Sprouts. I went to two Kroger's, two targets with no luck. I then went to Sprouts and they had a ton there and said if they don't have the one you one they will order it in for you at no charge!!!!

Don't forget to come back for "Gearing up for Baby" event where you have a chance to win everything I said above! This giveaway is from the 15-29 Make sure you head over and like Happy Family's facebook and twitter page


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