Domeo Tri-lounge Lap Desk

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A while back we got this great Tri-lounge Lap Desk for your iPad and I thought I loved it then. Was was before I came home one day and saw my sweet little boy laying in bed half asleep with his daddy watching a movie. Ryan works nights so most nights he goes to be at about 4 pm so he ends up going into bed and watching movie (at about 3 pm) with what he and Aiden calls "the cheese wedge".

Most of the time when Ryan is heading to bed Aiden says, "big big big fish" I guess the first time he and daddy watched a movie on here Ryan had put on Big Fish. But its Aiden's special time that he gets to do with his daddy each day. The Tri-lounge has three different sides, one side is good for movies, the other for typing and the third for reading e-books.

 If you need an iPad case cover you might want to check out some of their Folio. Got an iPad mini, no problem they have you covered. Also make sure you keep up with Domeo on Facebook they will keep in informed of all the great things going on (including giveaways!) Oh and don't for get to tweet them on twitter sometime too! In face they are hosting a giveaway on their facbook page. So if you want to win just click HERE and enter

I want to just say another thank you again to Domeo of giving us this great product to review. I have used it so many time it really is worth it all.


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