How good or bad to change parenting behavior in modern world

How good or bad to change parenting behavior in modern world
The modern world is distraught with stress and overwhelmed with materialistic existence which have also strained through the nuances of every relationship even that between a child and their parents. This intricate relationship, which is also the basis of human society, is a result of much stress and anxiety given the changed equation of the society and the very materialistic approach of humanity. The surrounding atmosphere is filled with temptations and misinformation. World politics, movies, TV and print media are screaming more than ever for children's attention to all the erroneous traits like bragging, deceit, lies, treachery, violence, sex, junk food, foul language, mistreatment, and so many more wrongdoings. Given this challenging times to bring up children, parents are more than overwhelmed with what values to promote and what to let slip by, where to draw the line of discipline, whether to explain the wrongdoings or let it go unnoticed till the children ask why, etc. questions are vast but action and time very limited. The guidelines of modern day parenting have also undergone a severe change from the yesteryear. Here we analyze how bad or good change has really been this far.

The Bad
1. Materialistic upbringing
There has been a change in the social equation in modern times. The mother is no more wound up within the house but has joined the fathers to match step and join the family's financial economic scenario as well. With this the keen eye of the mother all along the growth of the child has been replaced by that of the playschool teachers, or that of the nannies at home. Hence, the time for teaching them morals and values are deficient and replaced with guilt trips by the mother replacing teachings with unnecessary toys, gizmos and entertainment programs. This makes the kids lonelier and they learn to value materialistic pleasures than human companionship in life. 
2 More as a child psychiatric than a parent
There has been a plethora of literature in both discussions as well as writings on the dos and don'ts of parenting. Child psychology has been dissected and presented in so many varieties of forms, case-studies and research modules. This has brought in an element of confusion in the minds of the new parents. They are more into the pressures of parenting than the pleasures. They are not any more sure of the right reaction to project to their children at any point of time. Moreover, modern parents are too worked up to bring up a "perfect child" and try to control all situations from a more child psychiatrics’ point of view than that of a parent. They would rather try to read into their behavioral symptoms and refer to books for professional help than sit down to spend some quality time with their child. 
The Good
1. More exposure, more options
The modern ways of life has exposed parents and their children to a new line of professions or pursuits that come through roads of passion and hobbies. The idealistic older generations followed goals and destinies that are more conservative whatever were their interests or passion. However, the new world offers more exposure; more options and more fields of expertise. So that even a chef, musician, sportsperson, actor, singer, and composer, draw equal attraction for parents as the engineer, doctor, and scientist of yesteryears. Given their current social standing, parents are encouraging their children to hold on to their dreams no matter how weird they may sound to the older generations.  
2. Greater levels of awareness
The current world belongs to that of information technology. There is huge amount of information waiting for the new parents at the tip of their fingers. Using these information in the correct possible way, thecurrent generation of parents are more aware of the signs and symptoms to know when something is not correct with their children. Given the vast impression of information technology on the modern-day parents, they are more aware of the possibilities and symptoms that say that the child might not be the regular block kid. Parents are not only capable of recognizing the defect fast but without also much hesitation eagerly turn to a child psychiatrist for help. For that matter, children suffer from many types of psychological, emotional, and behavioral diseases like ADHD, hyperactivity, oppositional defiant disorder, depression. These are recognized and accepted easier by parents now than it used to be 10 years back.  
Modern life is fast-paced and time is one of the most values item in our life. The modern parents work hard to manage and schedule their daily routine to be able to incorporate all the elements of their life in it. The outcome is mainly two fold. The stress of meeting their expectations and feeling of loss of those left uncovered. This often leaves a big gap in parenting from the old-fashioned way. Children often need only a kiss or hug, a few words of appreciation, some moments of cherishing with them to make them feel more wanted, and loved. This goes a long way in their life to establish their character, form their confidence, and shape their future self. 

This Post is written by Diana. She is a writer/blogger. She writes articles on Technology, social media, wordpress, Gamification, responsive design and software development etc. These days she contributes on


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