Alphabet Flashcards

Learning toys are an important thing in my household. So I was happy to receive Alphabet Flash Cards from Educational Toys Planet. One thing I loved about their website is that you could search for items based on age. So I could easily find toys for a 3 year old to enjoy.

My son is 3 and loves to look at pictures. He is in Speech so we are practicing getting him to pronounce certain letters the right way. He is also working on expanding his vocabulary.

The Flashcards come with 52 alphabet cards, 3 index cards, and a Parent card. The parent card gives you some ideas of how to use the flashcards with your child. It lists different games you can play with your child such as Aphabetical Order, Match the Letter, Match the Letter and Picture, and Find the missing letter. 
One of my favorite features is that the set comes with both Uppercase and Lowercase cards. Now I can teach him Uppercase Letter recognition and once he has the Uppercase letters mastered, I can work on lowercase letter recognition.

The cards have a colorful picture on one side. The picture has the phonic sound for whatever letter you are on. With my son I show him the card and he tells me what the picture is, and then I show him the letter side and reinforce that B says B like in Baseball.

I have a 5 3/4 year daughter too and she enjoys doing these cards with her brother. She can help him learn his letters and identify the pictures.

I love that my son gets practice hearing the words said correctly, and a chance to try himself.  I can also have him talk about the pictures. For example, what is on the cake? That's right a Candle. Candle also starts with a C. What do you do with a candle? That's right we blow out a candle.

These cards are also nice for my daughter.  They would be perfect to laminate and then use with a dry erase marker for practicing handwriting and learning to spell a variety of words.

Overall these are a great product for any Boy or Girl that is learning their letters.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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