Holiday Gift Guide: Kidecals

I love personalized labels. They are great this time of year. You could make some fun hot coco in a jar or the cake mixes in a jar then use some personalized labels from Kidecals and give them out for Christmas. I ended up picking a cute Christmas Tree one that I can stick on just about anything. In fact my mom is up and and I made her this cute "Let it Snow" plate and stuck this to the back of it.

OH I also love that they have Chalkboard Labels! This is great if lets say you have hot coco in one jar and then next time its coffee or tea! Kidecals has a wide range of labels and stickers to chose from. I also picked out this Colorado Love sticker for my car. However one thing I guess I just did not open my eyes and read, was that it was for the flood relief.

Just this last September CO got hit with a big flood. So when you buy this Colorado love flood relief sticker all the money from that sticker goes to people in CO that was affected by the flood. I really just got the sticker because I love CO so much. But knowing that they do this makes me proud to have this on my car! Best part is, this sticker is only $7!

Anyhow getting back to the point! personalized labels are great for just about anything and they make a great gift this time of year too. Make sure you get yours with a 15% DISCOUNT CODE!!! Just use kidecals15 when checking out!


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