Sabor Spanish Learning songs

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I live in the great state of Arizona. While English is the predominant language there is quite a bit of Spanish speaking around. In fact, there is a dual language program at one of the nearby elementary schools. While my kids are not in that program, I do think exposing them to another language (Spanish), will be beneficial for them in the future.
I was pleased to have the opportunity to review Sabor Spanish Learning Songs with my kids.

Tracks include:

  1. CUANDO SEA GRANDE (When I'm Big)
  2. BUENOS DÍAS AMIGUITOS (Good Day Little Friends) 
  3. UNO, DOS Y TRES (One, Two and Three) 
  4. EN EL RANCHO DE MACDONALD (Old MacDonald Had a Farm)
  5. ¿SABES TU SEMBRAR LA COL? (Do You Know How to Plant Cabbage?) 
  6. CAMINEMOS EN EL BOSQUE (Let's Walk Through the Woods) 
  7. JUGUETES (Toys) 
  8. MI DÍA (My Day) 
  9. DEL SUELO AL CIELO (From the Ground to the Sky) 
  10. EN EL PUENTE DE AVIÑÓN (On the Bridge of Avignon) 
  11. EN EL ZOOLÓGICO (At the Zoo) 
  12. NO HAY FIESTA SIN PASTEL (It's Not a Party Without Cake)
  13. LA BARBITA (The Goatee) 
  14. PALMAS, PALMAS LAS DOS MANITAS (Clap, Clap Little Hands)
  15. ADIÓS (Goodbye) 
Here is a sample portion of the first track. Listen to Cuando Sea Grande Here

The CD has a fun mix of playful children's music. The songs make learning Spanish fun. The music is geared towards young children. The songs allow for the children to actively participate. They can sing, dance, clap, make animal sounds, etc. The active participation allows for the children to learn the words quickly.

I love music and so do my kids. In fact both of my kids will listen to the cd over and over. At first they had no idea what most of the words meant. Now they have picked up on the meaning of a ranch of words including spanish animal and number words.

My kids don't realize that they are being taught. They think that this is just a fun CD to listen to and enjoy.

I highly recommend this CD for anyone with kids who they want to expose to Spanish.
Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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