4th of July kids #DIY shirts

Here is yet another great and easy thing to do this weekend to get ready for the 4th of July. Oh and I got everything I needed at Walmart! 

This is a cute fun one that kids of any age can do. This is one my little 4 month old Noah did.
Here is what you are going to need. White shirts that will fit you or whoever its going to be for. Red and Blue fabric paint. And a card board box.

I started with Noah's because he was sleeping! I put the card board box part in the shirt making it easier for them to really put the hand print down without making the paint bled to the back. 

The paint washed off our hand but I had to use a wash cloth to help.

Logan almost cried when we put the paint on this hand. I guess he is not a paint on the hand kid. I had to keep telling him it was ok and it will wash off. 

Once the hands where done I just added red strips with my finger and you got a flag. I let our dry over night, but the paint says 4 hours before washing. In fact because they are boys I have not let them wear it yet.


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