MAM Animal pacifiers #review and #giveaway

When my two older boys where born they would not take a pacifier. EVER! I don't know why they just would not take one. While I thought this was good I also saw the bad. While I did not have to worry about needing to wean them off, I also had a harder time getting them off the boob and to bed. So when Noah was born and wanted a pacifier I gave him one. This it helped to calm him down, but we had a small problem... he only wanted the one he got from the hospital. While this was fine when he hit 3 months we tried to get him the 3-6 month pacifier and he would not take it. You might be wondering why they have different pacifiers for each month. Well the pacifier is harder, that way the babies don't suck on it so hard that it bends and gets stuck in their mouth, and yes that has happened. (not to my babies but I have read about it happening) So we decided to try a new pacifier.... he would not take any of them! He still wanted his one from the hospital. Well it hit me while I was ...