Yooki Wool

My love of wool cloth diaper covers is no secret. So when I found out about a new company for wool shorts and leggings I couldn't contain my excitement. I wanted to know EVERYTHING!! What colors, sizes, when can I get my hands on these adorable items. I reached out to the owner of Yooki, Jess was very sweet and willing to answer all my questions. So if you are like me and want to know all about Yooki wool, your questions should be answered today. If something is not covered please let me know and I will get you an answer.

Here is my question and answer session with Jess. 

Because who better to explain the product then the person behind them. 

Why Wool?
"We as a family knew we wanted to cloth diaper. When I initially researched cloth diapering, the most popular choice seemed to be the use of PUL covers due to the wide commercial availability. We bought several different brands of PUL cover and AIO diapers. We were so excited that we were using cloth but we started having issues early on. We had leaks nearly every time Max went potty but we thought it was "normal". When the thigh rashes appeared I started to re-think my choice and do more research.

I read more about the "fitted" diaper options which were previously ignored because A) I just didn't "get it" and B)  Since there weren't many choices at the larger on-line cloth diapering stores I assumed people weren't buying them because they didn't "work". After trying the PUL for a couple months and failing, I didn't care what the popular choice was; I just wanted an alternative. During my second round of research I stumbled upon the option to pair wool with fitteds. A diapering option that is truly all-natural and great for day and night-time. This clicked for me and I knew I needed to try it.

For the inexperienced user of wool, it appeared that the marketing for wool and fitteds was targeted at providing a solution for night-time leaks. When I dove deeper into the world of wool I started finding all the WHAM options for fitted diapers and wool covers and realized that this was a full-time cloth diapering solution for many families.

We took the plunge and ordered fitteds and wool covers to get us started. We were immediately convinced of the benefits of using wool paired with fitteds. No more rashes and no more leaks. We quickly sold all of our PUL and never looked back."

Do you have to cloth diaper to use wool?
"Definitely not. In fact, wool is a great option over disposable diapers and even during PLing since it can help control excess moisture and minor leaking. In contrast, if leaking or excess moisture is present when wearing a cotton pair of pants the garment will feel soggy and cold next to the skin. When wool becomes wet/damp it wont leave your little one feeling cold and uncomfortable."

Does it make your baby hot?
"No. We live in southern California so it's generally warm/hot here but we wear wool full-time. Our baby has never showed any signs of distress due to heat. Some days are hotter than others and we dress accordingly with wool shorts or leggings on the baby. Wool is actually a great option for all types of climates (cold or hot) because its breathability is better than your standard cotton or polyester garment. The stereotype is that wool is only good for cold weather (no doubt-It's definitely warm & cozy in cold weather) but it's also fantastic in warm weather too. It allows the body to sweat without making your clothes feel damp against the skin and the breathability allows air circulation to keep you feeling cool. Despite the warm climate here in SoCal my husband and I both have a lot of wool garments in our everyday wardrobe."

How many colors will be released?
"There will be a total of 16 colors. That's 10 colors of leggings and 10 colors of shorts with four colors shared between the two styles."
(we will talk more about this later)

Will colors restock- or if I miss them will I never get the chance to buy them again?
​"Our goal is to give customers what they want so if certain colors are highly-requested we will do our best to continue ​supply them. Our yarn supplier tries to keep up with fashion trends and therefore certain colors of yarn may be discontinued from time to time but we will not purposely make things "hard to find"."

How limited will your release be? Is it like a Tula mad dash that sells out in minutes?
​"It was never our intention to create a mad-dash and offer limited products that sell out in minutes. However, since we are a ​self-funded start-up we had to balance offering enough product without breaking the bank​. It was impossible for us to predict interest or demand ​so early on, so
 we chose a quantity that we thought would be a good way for us to feel out the market. My hope is that everyone will get what they need or want but I really don't know what to expect at the first stocking. We're laying the framework for our next stocking so that 
​if things start flying off the shelves we can immediately start the process of re-stocking as soon as possible."

Any idea of when stocking will be? If not how much notice will we have?
"Unfortunately I don't have an exact stocking date but I plan to keep everyone updated on production progress ​and shipment status​. We have not shipped the woolies in large quantity yet so it's hard to predict exactly how long the customs process will take for this larger production-sized quantity.
​ Our goal is to do this ​as quickly as possible without sacrificing any product quality."
(I love that they will not sacrifice quality to rush them out. Follow them on Instagram or Facebook to get up to date information on when the wool is stocking)

Do you plan on expanding sizes, or adding additional items?
 "Of course if there is the demand for smaller and/or larger sizes we will work to get those designed and available. The design process is lengthy and may take several months before they are ready to be stocked."
(Eek! Instragram shows a blanket and it is stunning)

Can you tell me more about the unique waistband?
 "The waistband is ribbed in style but encases low-tension baby elastic for comfort on little tummies. The outside waistband width is 1.25 inches and the elastic is 1 inch wide. What's more is the rise on the Yooki garments is a little roomier than a typical infant/toddler garment which makes their fit a nice compliment to wearing a bulky cloth diaper underneath."
(Check out the photos bellow for more on the waistband)

I know I have a hard time guessing the size I need off of a chart. So the photos Jess supplied of each size on her son make it easier to judge the size you need. 
He is wearing a fitted diaper under the wool, so if you are planning on using disposable or no diaper please take that into consideration. 

Size Small leggings on a 32" tall 23 lbs child.

Medium on same child. 32" tall 23 lbs 

Size Large on 32" tall 23 lbs child.

Bellow is a great way to see how each size compares to the other sizes.

I can not say how much I LOVE these beautiful colors. The rich colors, melange yarn giving depth and color variation. The names are even fun. Another fun fact, fans got to help pick the color names.
Honestly I could not say which one is my favorite, I want them all. 
But I think Froggie might have to come live with us first.
(this is where a "shut up and take my money" meme is fitting)

Oh Peacock! Look at you showing off all your colors!

What is your favorite color? That's right I told you it's hard to pick just one favorite. 

Can we talk about stretch? Look as how much room these pants and shorts can give you. This means that you have flexibility in sizing. As you could see in the photos above all 3 sizes can fit the same child, with just a different look. 

A perfect fit.

Room to grow.

After seeing all the great colors, and learning about the flexible sizes how can you not want to take home a pair of these leggings or shots for you child to enjoy. 

You can also pick up Unicorn Fiber Wash (Yooki recommend) when you buy your wool! 
Just when you think it can't get better, all orders to the USA include free shipping and no sales tax. 

I want to send out a special Thanks to Jess at Yooki Wool for taking the time to answer my question and provide these helpful photos.

Don't forget to follow them on InstagramFacebook, Twitter and Pinterest

They also have a blog all about wool and cloth diapers. So swing by show them some love and get more in-depth info on wool.


Fiddlin' Dandi said…
I've never tried wool covers for diapers before, but they look really nice!

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