72 hour kits part 2

Now that you have the right idea down on what a 72 hour kit is and what you need. Here are a few things that you might not have thought about needing.

If you have a baby:

  • Cloth diapers (I say this only because of how fast kids grown out of the disposable ones and you never run out of cloth as long as you can clean them)
  • Formula (if you are not breast feeding)
  • Baby food
  • Bottles 
  • Wipes (cloth one or wet ones)
  • Toys
  • Cloths
Personal Documents and Money:
(Place these items in a water-proof container!)

  • Legal Documents (Birth/Marriage Certificates, Wills, Passports, Contracts, etc)
  • Vaccination Papers
  • Cash
  • Credit Card
  • Pre-Paid Phone Cards

Random things:

  • Map
  • Picture of family (in case anyone gets lost)

Update your 72 Hour Kit every six months (put a note in your calendar/planner) to make sure that: all food, water, and medication is fresh and has not expired; clothing fits; personal documents and credit cards are up to date; and batteries are charged.
Small toys/games are important too as they will provide some comfort and entertainment during a stressful time.

If you are still not sure if you have everything or need more info here is a great web site called http://72hours.org/ 


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